Topographic Corset and Pants for Intertwine

This look was created for Intertwine, a Fashion & Dance Show by F@B x Fusion Dance Company, which took place on December 5, 2021. Inspired by the repetitive motions of the body through dance, I decided to explore how motion erodes and shapes — both literally, as seen in natural landscapes and the aging of the body, and figuratively, within emotions and the mind. With this focus, I experimented with the color and opacity of different materials to achieve a topographic quality to my dancer’s outfit.

[my inspiration moodboard and initial sketch]

All materials for this look were thrifted — I used a variety of thrifted shower curtains, tablecloths, drapes, mesh, and regular curtains to play with different textures and opacities. I drafted all of the patterns for this look myself (this was the first corset I had ever created). The corset also had a built-in bra for stability while dancing.

Unfortunately, none of the F@B photographers were able to capture my dancer during the show, and the garments were auctioned off immediately afterwards. As a result, the images I have of my work are mostly from the sewing process.

[various stages of the garment construction process and two photos from after the show]